This flow started out as a simple Lead Sheet with only a treble clef. I added a piano player, copied the melody from the Lead Sheet into the piano’s treble clef and entered chords into the piano’s bass clef. Now I’m seeing this orange system text, “T††”. In Write mode, a dashed orange line extends from “T††” into the treble clef bar containing a whole rest.
I’ve also got some melody notes now that are colored maroon, but I have no idea why or what it means.
You don’t include the whole screen, so I can’t say for sure, but it looks to me like that’s simply a text item you’ve input in the score. Switch to Write mode and delete it.
(I’ve merged your new thread into the existing one. Please don’t start a new thread for an existing problem: just add a reply to your existing thread.)
Your suggestion of selecting and deleting it worked. I had tried that already with the trash can and it didn’t work. This time I was in Full Score Layout. Maybe I was in the wrong Layout when I tried it? Thanks, Daniel!