Gliss curtails second note

In the example given the gliss (continuous) works fine but the second note (where gliss finishes) stops abruptly about half way through the bar.

I’m probably missing something very obvious, any ideas what it is? Thanks.Gliss shortens following note.dorico (921.1 KB)

Maybe a pic will be more immediately helpful than the example project link I posted. So, following the gliss, the C stops abruptly about half way through its length. I can’t see why that should be. (Remove the gliss and the note plays through its complete tied length; insert the gliss and it terminates early.) Does anyone have any ideas as to why this should happen?

The playback works correctly here, using NotePerformer. So I’d guess the problem lies with Vienna Synchron Player.

Thanks for trying it, much appreciated…I’ve continued to experiment to see what I could discover. It seems that by changing the time signature from 3/4 to 4/4 the playback works correctly. I can’t see why the time signature should have any effect on this? I’d have thought that seems to point more to Dorico than the Synchron Player?

You can experiment with any of the Dorico Playback templates - it works with them all.

For me it works in 2/4, 4/4 and 5/4. But not in 3/4.

I even tried adjusting the 3/4 instruction to [1+1+1]/4 or [3+0]/4 to see whether that had any impact, but the note still cuts out.

Have you tried not using Synchron?

Yes. You’re quite right. Using Halion there’s no issue.

Unfortunately Halion is not an option (in fact because here I’m using a Basset Horn I think VSL is probably the only option.)