Glissando between up and down staves for Guzheng - Please help me

I was a Finale user and I would like to ask if I can make this

I found that if I would like to make the notes at the lower staff as crochet, I cannot keep the glissando. If anyone can help me with this issue? Thanks!!!

Keep crochet glissando-2

Hi Vincent! The most accurate way that I found to get your desired shape is to use the line tool to create two individual glissandi (one up from the E, one down to the F) and then use engrave tool to make their peaks touch.

This is by no means the easiest way to do it but it will guarantee the desired visual.

Hope that helps!


Thank you so much!

Hi @vincent_luk, beside the useful suggestion by @ERC_Music, here another method, that gives maybe a more consistent result, and makes possible to adjust the height of the gliss. just adjusting the gray notes in the upper staff and gives you also a correct playback.
I made a visual guide. Hope it helps:

Dorico file example:
gliss on hidden notes and separate voice.dorico (636.3 KB)


It is really a great solution!! Thank you so much :))))))

May I know the final step for offset? I can find “offset” but it has X and Y. I typed some number but it doesn’t affect the notation. Thanks!

Hi @vincent_luk, here a short video to show how to set the offsets (in Engrave mode), on the step 4 of my previous screenshot. You need to use the X offset: X means horizontally, in a ideal cartesian space. I selected the not contiguous gliss. with Command(Control)+click. And to change the value in full number steps, you can also keep Command(Control) pressed, while clicking the value arrows: