Glissando for harp

I’m a harp teacher and used Finale to custom draw glisses.
In ornaments, I see the gliss lines, which I click on–
but I can’t get the gliss into my project.
And then once it’s in my project, am I able to custom adjust the length of the gliss, as well as the angle?

Harp gliss can only go up or down natively atm. But both angles and length can be adjusted in engrave mode. On the harp “instrument” in Dorico, the glisses will play back according to the latest pedal state, as posited through diagrams and pedal changes. But in order to have up and down glisses, one has to draw intervening notes (and hide them if desired). Stemless grace notes can also be used to preview a gliss before the gliss line.

To draw a gills, the first note or both notes have to be selected before clicking on the icon or typing shift-o and then gliss-enter. If it still doesn’t work, post the file here and I’ll see what I can do

Yes, you can do that in Engrave Mode, lower panel:

Welcome to the forum, @marjensenmusic !

You can in Engrave mode, as other posters have said, however: in most cases, hopefully you won’t need to.

Glissando lines in Dorico attach to their start/end noteheads automatically. They follow rules for how far away from noteheads the lines start/end (Library > Engraving Options > Glissando Lines) and if the pitches of those notes change, the line changes with them :slight_smile:

Thanks, everyone. I got it to work–as Claude said, by making sure the first note was selected not with the “start note input,” but with only the arrow/ “select” tool.
I’ll experiment with moving the gliss tomorrow and report back. I’m guessing that most of the time, I probably won’t put in the little notes and hide them, as I’m just creating sheet music, not a sound recording. (**Is this correct, that I don’t need to put in the notes unless I want a precise playback effect?)
But I do often create soundtracks for students when preparing a program, but that’s only about 10% of my year.
Thanks so much for the quick reply, everyone.

Are you writing out the entire glissando note-for-note for playback? If the glissando line is properly attached to the start and end note, it will play back as a proper glissando automatically so you don’t need to do all that. On harp it even takes the pedal setting into consideration. But maybe I’m misunderstanding you?

As Hugo said, if you input a harp pedal diagram to tell Dorico which notes are sharpened/flattened/left natural, that arrangement is used for playback of harp glissandi.

There is also this article I wrote a few years back. It does not include the new Playing Techniques tool one now finds at the bottom of the Playing Techniques panel, but it is pretty complete otherwise


Is harp pedaling included in key signatures? Do you have to setup the pedals for key signatures?

Harp pedaling is independent of key signatures; a utility exists to create diagrams by reading ahead in the music. Errant notes in red show one when the diagram needs to change in whole or in part. Pedal changes can also be entered manually.

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