Hi everyone,
I’m experiencing playback glitches at the ends of all notes that have been altered with gliassando. Particularly in vocal line playback (HALion Sonic, all the built-in Dorico presets). i.e. I have a gliss from Note 1 to Note 2. At the end of Note 2 (followed by a rest), I always hear the playback note snap back to the original pitch. I guess this is intentional, since if there was another note rather than a rest after Note 2, it would need to have its pitch bend reset. However… apart from adjusting all of the pitchbend data manually (there are a huge number of instances in this score), does anyone know any workaround or a way to finesse this automatically? I’ve already turned off all reverb, so I know it’s not just the tails… Anyone else experiencing this?
I need to give a playback mockup to the singers to aid learning, so I do need to eliminate these pitch snaps.
I’m not able to reproduce this at my first couple of attempts. Can you attach a minimal project that reproduces the issue, so I can take a look and see what might be going on? Just cut the project down to a single instrument and a bar or two of music, and attach it here.
Hi Daniel, sure, I just copied a few bars into a fresh project.
I can manually adjust the MIDI pitch bend for each note, but that is gonna be a huge job on a whole opera score. 240509 gliss glitch.dorico (582.4 KB)
I have noticed that as well. Also sometimes when adding a glissando the played initial note gets way longer then the second one. And therefore it snaps back to it and holds it. When shortening it manually the pitchbend disappear … when I’m back in my studio I will post an example
@Major81, by default Dorico plays glissandos “delayed”, i.e. it only starts moving towards the destination pitch in the second half of the duration of the first note. You can change this either by default via Playback Options, or on a per-glissando basis via Properties.
@Schweinhorn, thanks for your example. I’m not sure how we can best improve this. The pitch bend messages are in exactly the right spot to ensure that the pitch is reset before an abutting note, but the Olympus Choir Micro sounds seem to have a very pronounced release after the note off message, which persists even if you dial the Release parameter right down to zero in the HALion interface.
If another note starts immediately following the destination note, we’d need to keep the pitch bend reset exactly where it is now, otherwise the start of the next note would sound at the wrong pitch.
We’re loathe to add special cases for individual patches (quite apart from anything else, we can’t actually tell whether a specific patch is actually being used for a given voice, because we can’t “see inside” the VST instrument to know what patch is loaded – the user might have changed the patch).
So for the time being I’m afraid all I can really suggest is to use a different patch for your voice instruments.
I know that. But I’m afraid it’s not what I mean. Anyway, I can’t reproduce the problem, so I think it’s not relevant anymore. Still another strange thing happened. As you see in the video, the drawn generated pitch bend glissando changes to chromatic steps, when I make any changes. I have to go to the expression map and make a change in the pitch-bend-range, and it’s like normal until I make another change in stave. But it only happens in the second violins. The firs violins use the same expression map but the problem isn’t there.
Hello. I think I should piggy back on this post with my issue, should be helpful to others.
I recently upgraded to 5 (which is brilliant by the way!) and am writing a piece for trombones. I’m using NotePerformer for playback (no time right now to experiment with others) and so the glissando continuous feature is timely for me. My issue is with the gliss’s ending, or really the start of the following pitch. I have places where I want the first pitch following the gliss (the one the gliss is going to) to be articulated. However the gliss ends in such a way that it seems to slur into the next note, even though I’m using no slur. This happens with the gliss playback type unset or deliberately set to continuous, no matter the durations of notes so far as I can tell. Switching playback type to chromatic does allow the connected note to be articulated.
Has anyone noticed this, and is there a workaround or is it just one of those things that would be a tall order to fix if at all? Let me add that I am extremely happy with Dorico all around, this is a mere minor inconvenience to me. glissando ending covers attack.dorico (601.5 KB)
I see what you’re getting at but to me, the gliss slide includes both start and end notes so only from the second of the following short notes are you independent of the gliss. You can see in the key editor that the gliss overlaps the following note so one might think shortening it would be a workaround – unfortunately if you try this with NotePerformer at any rate, the gliss is interrupted so that’s no solution! With a chromatic gliss, the notes are all independent (and no pitch bend is implemented which needs to be reset) so I would expect all the following notes to be accented which does seem to be happening.
That could be just me-- I may not be fully understanding the gliss implementation or what might realistically be expected from your notation.
One workaround is to finish the glissando just before the accented notes begin. To rework the first measure in your sample project, delete the B flat, activate the caret at the beginning of the measure, select the 1024th note in the left panel, create a 257:256 tuplet, turn force duration on, enter a quarter note B flat followed by a 1024th note E, and add a glissando between these notes:
Now hide the tuplet number and bracket, hide the stem and notehead of the 1024th note, and use note spacing mode to move the second beat of the measure to the left.
yes, at any rate there needs to be something between the first staccato note and the last note of the gliss. Something like @johnkprice is one possibility but if I really needed to do this, I’d probably create a hidden staff below where what is actually played can be noted to taste.