Glissando line between harmonic noteheads

Hello good people,

I’m trying to notate the good-ol’ seagull effect, and I can easily fake it by using diamond note heads, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to do it without faking.

Can you connect the diamond noteheads of harmonics with a gliss line?


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I think the best solution is to do what you have above, and then add a graphic line to connect the top (diamond) notes. One nice result is that you don’t have two “gliss.” texts.

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I’m not sure how to connect the top notes. They’re not selectable as far as I can tell

You can add a horizontal line in Write mode, and then adjust it to fit in Engrave mode; in Write mode it just goes horizontally from the topmost note I think.

Easier to just move the gliss line in Engrave mode. A different type of line is no better. In 3.5 I am able to nudge the endpoints with keyboard commands; in 4.0 those aren’t working, but I can still drag the endpoints and/or adjust the offsets digitally in Properties.

As the screenshot shows, lines connect only the regular noteheads, ignoring the diamonds because they’re not “real” notes. But – backing up a bit – isn’t the slide fingered on the regular notes anyway? I guess technically both slide different amounts, but I’m just wondering about the need in the original question.

I also usually use a regular line (making sure the line body has the same thickness as the gliss line) and adjust it in engrave mode)

No, both notes are sliding. The real note is sliding with full pressure, the harmonic note is sliding with harmonic pressure:

Thanks everybody. I ended just notating the top note as a “regular” note with a diamond notehead rather than using the automatic harmonic feature.

Would be nice to have this implemented natively. I’m pretty sure Gould also advises the two gliss. lines method.