Glissando on 2-lines staff– still impossible?

I found a post from four years ago related to the question I’m looking for. Is it possible now?

You can use the Library->instruments editor to create a two-line violin.


vln 2-line.dorico
(481.0 KB)

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Is there a way to extend the gap between those two lines?

Hi @ytdiya1, I came out (in my night experiments), with an absurd method (with my apologies :grinning:) to create distanced lines, and be able to notate notes, including glissando and whatever. It uses superimposed staves, one for the actual notes, one for the two custom spaced lines. (This of course is just an experiment, not very accurate, and is thinkable to be used only for a solo piece).

Using a percussion kit with two “placeholder” instruments in grid view (with 3 gaps) to provide the two lines, and a zero line instrument with hidden time signature to notate the music (named fake violin in my example). You can change the clef in the instrument definition.

Then just drag the two staves one above the other with Staff Spacing tool in Engrave mode. (Then I needed a second zero line instrument, just to complete the cut-out system line, caused by the dragging.)

It is much manual work, but crazy at it is, could be usable for extreme needs. You can then write your rhythms and “pitches”into the fake violin in Galley view, and the lines “overlay” is visible in Page view. You may need to drag the staves vertically in Engrave mode to tweak it further…(And unfortunately no ledger lines).

Dorico file example:
fake violin on two spaced lines.dorico (490.1 KB)

Galley view:

Result (Page view):

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wow, that’s a very clever idea! thanks!