Global parameters for lyrics

Hi team,

Actually, parameters for Lyrics are independant of a song.

It could be good to configure one time the parameters for Lyrics in Preference menu for example, instead of having to configure them each time I create a new song.

So you can keep the actual parameters for each songs, but you can add global parameters in another location.

Hi @magicguigui,

Thank you for report, I’ll check it soon. What about our last converstion? Can you please have a look here? Did you install the latest SAM version? Screenshots?

Thank you,

Hi @Spork,

Sorry I did not have time yet. I will let you know once I update the SAM version.

… thank you, @magicguigui. If you have time, and if have installed the latest version, run VST Live, let us know if Flex is still there. And it would be great if you could give us again your Activation Manager logs.

Again : Thank you very much for your help,

How about if you create a new Song, it would take the last settings?

If I create a new song, the settings are by default.
It doesn’t take the last settings

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Sorry, that may have been misleading. It was supposed to be a suggestion, not a description of how it is. So would that help?

Ah sorry @musicullum :sweat_smile:

Your suggestion can be a solution, yes.

… we’ve added it. Please try with the next version.
