Global staff spacing so as to NOT have to adjust every line

I have been trying to find the best way to simply have, for an entire score, the ability to adjust a single vocal line above a piano part so that the distance between the 2 is the same without me having to manually adjust every line of the score… I am sure, as are most of my questions, that there is an easy solution… any ideas? Thanks in Advance to this great community.

Layout Options:

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Got it! Thank very much… but I tried it and two pages worked and the others did not….


Greg Day

Day Music Services
864 650 8987


To clarify…it worked perfectly in Gallery view, but not in Page view, which is where I need it to print…


Greg Day

Day Music Services
864 650 8987


Greg, you’ll need post the project, or screenshots. Difficult to guess without more data.

The settings I posted don’t affect Galley View, btw.

The gap will change to accommodate the material in each part. If you have lots of high notes in the piano and low notes in the vocal (and possibly lines of lyrics and other text), Dorico will increase the space. Thus the spacing may well change from line to line.
One solution would be to increase the ideal spacing that Dan highlighted, but that would probably leave lots of white space in your score.

Dorico is less fussy about spacing in Galley mode.

Here is the file…

La Zafra.dorico (470.1 KB)

Also, when trying to tie the quarter note to the dotted 8th, (bass line, measure 1 ) it changes to a double dotted note; can’t I just simply tie the notes? Much less confusion…

Thanks, Dan

You can:

  1. Specify the maximum number of dots allowed, in Notation Options (I think), and set it to 1.
  2. Before tying, press O for Force Duration.
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You need to switch to Staff Spacing and remove all manual staff adjustments.

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It is a golden rule in Dorico to write your notes before you even begin to think about layout.

And a corollary to that is: never mess around with spacing on a page in Engrave mode, until you have exhausted the tweaks available at the project/flow level. (Red triangles on Engrave pages almost always spell trouble!)

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