going from windows 10 to mac

I am thinking about getting a mac after using cubase for years on pcs. I have hundreds of projects backed up on a windows formatted backup drive. My question is will I be able to import them from that drive? Thanks.

Yes, but of course for the projects to open properly you need to have the same plugins installed.

Paragon Software have some useful tools, eg:
NTFS for Mac, paid app for Mac OS that reads/writes NTFS volumes.
Also the free NTFS-HFS converter which simply converts volumes from one format to the other; works well, have used this in the past and converted Mac OS formatted SSDs to Win NTFS, or the other way round.

Otherwise, have had no issues in opening Nuendo or Cubase projects cross platform - assuming the obvious tweaks that may be needed re. audio IO hardware, drivers, plugs etc.
