Good font for Cyrillic alphabet?

Could you please suggest a good font for the Cyrillic alphabet?
Academico doesn’t seem to have the inverted R glyph, which is being rendered with a fallback font, like this:

Generally speaking, also the other letters do not look great.
Any suggestion?

Try and use Linux Libertine O. Great font, free, and very complete.


On the contrary: it looks like Academic ONLY has the inverted R, and none of the other letters, which are falling back to a system sans typeface.

I’d recommend Old Standard.


This is VERY clean!
A bit more condensed than Academico, but very good!

It would be great if one could use that font only for the Cyrillic part, but I could manage it with different tokens in the Flow Header editor.
One thing I noticed is that one doesn’t need to restart Dorico for fonts to become available! YES!

I often use the (free) font family Alegreya. It has a complete Cyrillic alphabet.

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