Google hangouts/Greg Ondo

Did this informative series usually on YouTube get cancelled?

I’ve not seen anything since either November or December, 2016.


Word was the January episode was held, but bad audio prevented its release.

Don’t know about the February episode. I like watching them (after they’ve been annotated with a “Table of Contents” by very generous watchers!).

We have not had a February hangout yet. I am planning on doing one next Monday, February 27th.

There have been some issues with audio. It looks like the issue was running a hangout from Google Chrome in Windows 10.

All the best,


Thanks Greg, can’t wait, you’re the best!

Also really get a lot pout of your Westlake Audio series.

Thanks again!

Good news Greg,

I love the hangout Q and A presentations, and I always glean new information / tips from them.
As far as the January hangout is concerned, and even though the audio is glitchy, can you make it available anyway?

Jim B

Good that you’ve been able to figure it out.

Jim B, you really don’t want to subject yourself to that audio.

I had a schedule change come up and will not be doing the hangout tomorrow the 27th. We will have a hangout planned for March 7. I will post a link when available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,



Off topic … but not all that much. We haven’t seen you in San Francisco for a very long time. Was it because the last two times you came hardly anyone showed up (including me, so this is just speculation on my part)? If so, are you aware that the announcement emails about your session showed up only about 24 hours prior to the session itself? That was hardly enough time for most folks to make plans to attend the event. Hopefully we’ll see you in the Bay Area again at some point.