Grace notes before triplets cause data loss on import of musicXML file

I have run into issues of data loss a few times when importing a musicXML file from Finale. Generally I have been just putting that piece to the back of the stack of trying to move them to Dorico. This time it is the final piece in a collection so I want to finish it now. About half way through the piece the flute part errors out and no more notes appear. I reduced things down to just the flute part right around the issue.

Finale simplification of issue.

Importing this in to Dorico 5.1.80 OSX

Musescore 4 gives me much better results but not correct so guessing there is an issue with the musicxml.

instead of a triplet, it is 9 but at least it does not die, it finishes the rest of the piece. So I’ll only have to fix one beat. If I export this from Musescore then Dorico then it the data is there in Dorico. I have done this import/export with Musescore, a few times before to fix issues with imports into Dorico.

This got me to thinking it was the grace notes might be causing this issue. So I removed them and Dorico now happy.

I have the musicxml file for this in case someone at Steinberg wants to investigate to improve things.
mdance2 - (4.5 KB)

The import of full piece has some other issue with vibes part and percussion I need to track down as well.

That will be caused by an error in the XML file (probably due to tuplets not adding up correctly)

When you encounter a problem like this, and assuming it’s music of your own for which you still have access to the original Finale document, the simplest way to proceed is to simply delete the contents of that bar in Finale, export the MusicXML file, then re-input the material in that single bar after import.