Grace Period Update 3.5 to 4

Hi, I’m having trouble getting the grace period update from Dorico 3.5 to 4, as I don’t have the original computer I activated the software on anymore. I’ve received a new activation code for my new pc, but the grace period check in the activation manager doesn’t find anything. I bought from asknet on 8th December 2021. I’ve seen on other threads that asknet should have sent an email, but I’ve looked and can’t find one :frowning:

Any help would be much appreciated!

Welcome to the forum, @ben.hoult. I’ve had a look in your account, and it looks like you most recently activated Dorico Pro 3.5 in May 2024, with a code provided to you by our support team. This suggests that you probably had a previous Dorico activation at an earlier point, and required a new code from our support team when installing on a new computer. Codes provided by our support team are not eligible for grace period updates, I’m afraid.