Gracenote after barline

how can I have this gracenote after the barline ?
Capture dā€™eĢcran 2024-10-08 aĢ€ 22.15.49

There is a switch for it in Properties, in the lower zone.

There is a Property for that (@Mark_Johnson was faster :slight_smile: ):

@joakimsandgren , if you eventually have the situation where some grace notes are needed before the barline, and some, after the barline in the same piece at the same barline [thank you @Janus ], see this post:

the properties only let you put it before the barline.
here it should be afterā€¦ but it places itself before per default
is this a global parameter ? donā€™t rememberā€¦

If you turn that property off, the grace will go after the barline (which is the default).

actually no, it go before the barline when I put itā€¦ without having touched the propertiesā€¦ hence the question if I already clicked somewhere in global parameters ?

Youā€™ll have to post a cut-down project so we can see whatā€™s happening. At this point weā€™re wildly guessing.

Iā€™ll do a film

hm canā€™t I upload a clip ?
.mov ?

Select the B.
Start note input

(If pitch-before-durationā€¦ I give up!)

Okay, I guess this is a problem with pitch-before-duration again. [sigh]

I was going to say Dorico wonā€™t write a grace note attached to a rest, but that works for me. I actually donā€™t know why this fails.

I did the same clip with duration before pitchā€¦ hm
havenā€™t I clicked somewhere in engraving / notation anything options ?

There is only one reason possible.
If you can post a part of your flow as a .dorico file, we would probably be able to show you what is going on.
There is no global setting for this but: do you have another player, where at the same bar line you have a grace note set to show before the bar line?

sure !
ah! actually yes
the harp should have the comma after the gracenote that is an after-gracenoteā€¦
Bar 76
fl vla hrp 6.dorico (814,4 Ko)

thatā€™s that.
and you donā€™t have anything under ā€œlocalā€ in the propertiesā€¦
sure, ā€œshouldā€ be per gracenoteā€¦
the ā€œgracenote typeā€ is individually thoughā€¦

It is a limitation in Dorico: at the time being you canā€™t have a grace note before and a grace note after the same bar line, even in different players. The developers are aware of it. So for now one has to use workarounds, like the one linked above.
ps. I tried to find bar 76 in Debussy, but no successā€¦

debussy ?
well Iā€™ll leave it for now, and can certainly place this in engrave mode ?


I didnā€™t read well enough first time and didnā€™t see ā€œengrave modeā€ for the properties hideā€¦
so I did custom scale 0% in write mode propertiesā€¦

but canā€™t you just drag this in engrave mode after? instead of a workaroundā€¦
or doesnā€™t it keep in place ?
I havenā€™t worked in engrave mode yetā€¦

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