I’ve been searching the forum for the answer to this and there is only 1 topic specific to WaveLab where this question was presented before.
The post was made back in 2018 when version 9 was out. So I’m wondering if this is now possible 6 years later with WaveLab Pro 12?
And if it is, where might I find the tool or tutorial for it? The only time based tool I’ve seen in WaveLab Montage is the time-stretching tool but it doesn’t appear it’s possible to “gradually” increase the tempo over a specified range of the audio file.
Thank you for the post @Jonas2021 but that article appears to be specific to WaveLab Elements and if it is applicable to WaveLab Pro 12, I don’t see the option unless I open the source file out of Montage.
And even then I don’t see how to get the tempo slope you’re provided in your screenshot and the documentation doesn’t seem to mention anything about how to accomplish that either.
Thank you guys! I can see the option and understand it now. Appears that it also affect the loudness of the audio track as well so I’ll have to re-think how I will use it b/c the audio I’m working with are masters so I don’t want to affect the loudness of the signal.
Probably more practical for me to use the feature pre-mastering stage.