Update: MR816csx with FW card wasn’t the problem. What we see is a bad workload spread over the cpu cores. That might trigger the graphic delay.
To be continued.
Whatever happened here?
Hi Graveley,
Still under investigation with Steinberg.
Till now no update after several requests.
So I am keeping “graphic delay” in Cubase Pro 13, 14 and Nuendo 13,
I installed Cubase 12.0.70 and let the same project run, in cycle mode, for over one hour and the problem is gone. So this is no Intel or Microsoft thing, but it happens from Cubase 13 and Nuendo 13. The most frustrating is the lack of response from Steinberg.
First picture Cubase 12, second picture Cubase 13.
Hi all,
Steinberg came with a respond, I very much appreciate this because I know they have been extremely busy with the latest updates and Cubase 14 issues.
I have made an ETW log (Event Tracing for Windows) and shared this with Steinberg.
Just to make clear what my problem is:
Till Cubase Pro 12.0.70 and Nuendo 12.0.70 there is no problem at all.
The problem occurs from all 13 and 14 versions.
What happens:
I do symphonic work, the project has 86 Instrument tracks, equal split over Steinberg Iconica Opus and Spitfire Audio BBCso pro, 30 Group Tracks and 11 FX channels with only Steinberg plugins. What happens is that at a certain moment the graphic starts to delay, like the screens are getting drunk. Audio is perfect, no stutter or what else, rock solid.
Hopefully my problem can be fixed in a new update!
A wild guess: Could it be that he issue is somehow related to the considerably overclocked CPU?
Are you referring to the delta between current speed and base clock speed in the graphs above?
The 13900K has a base speed of 3GHz and a max boost speed of 5.8GHz. The numbers you see above are just the CPU responding to workload demand by raising the clock speed within its design limits.
I stand corrected, then. I was reading the delta as overclocking, which can lead to all kinds of strange occurrences.
Hi Dietz,
I use standard Gigabyte bios settings, no overclocking.
Could try a single or dual monitor with the onboard/built in GPU just to see if it’s related to the AMD graphics?
The 12 versions work without any problem.
Hi all,
Still working in my Cubase and Nuendo 12.0.70 versions, they are running without any problems. Till now no solution from Steinberg on the 13 and 14 versions, They must be busy with “Weihnachtsvorbereitung” or some other Cubase 14 issues.
Meanwhile my project has 122 instrument tracks and my system runs without problems. Attached some performance pictures.
For all of you a Merry Christmas and Best (musical) Wishes for 2025.
Got a message from Steinberg this morning, should be improve in the next update.
Thanks Steinberg Team!
@TwanV Have you run the MMCSS fix and set it to maximun threads?
Hi Norbury,
No I did not run the fix.
Just changed to Intel I9 Ultra 285k on a Asus Prime lga1851.
Waiting on the Steinberg update, cause should be in the program graphics.
@TwanV Have they said there’s an issue to fix? I know something changed around C12 and that’s when the MMCSS issue raised it’s head. I had terrible problems and running that MMCSS.exe and setting the threads to maximum sorted everything out.
Hi Norbury,
The problem is in all Cubase 13/14 and Nuendo 13 versions.
The 12 versions don’t have the issue.
It is to be “fixed” in the next update.