I love Dorico, but for things like shown in the screenshot i’m still forced to use sibelius - or even musescore. Drag graphic into the window, place above the note, copy paste, ready!
I like the separation of write and engrave mode in dorico, but why do we need an extra separation of horizontal, vertical and frame adjustments. This could be way more powerful and has nothing to do with “next generation”, modern or fun. No rulers, no copy paste.
You can do those with playing techniques. Create a new Playing Technique.
In the playing techniques editor select Type = Glyph. Then click the pencil.
Trash what’s currently there and select Graphic, choose and add graphic.
(you probably need to resize it next, last image)
Then you can click the star icon to save as default and you’ll have them for future projects.
Is it possible to accept graphic collisions and force the icons to stay in the same height, like manually adjusted in bar 1?
This would be also helpful if i would write stems up!
Not that I know of, if you set the rhythmic grid to the smallest value you can move them in write mode in smaller steps with cmd-opt-arrows.
Grouping them doesn’t seem to align them.
Thank you. Unfortunately the grouping trick doesn’t work.
I know that i could increase the notespacing, or write less then 4 bars per system.
I was hoping there is a hidden button to ignore collisions, as with textbox properties.
Moving manually and copy paste the bars is working too.