Hello, since today I’ve got this strange graphic issue in Cubase 14.0.10 Pro on Windows 11 PC.
From time to time the display looks like this.
Does anybody have the same issue? Any suggestions?
Hello, since today I’ve got this strange graphic issue in Cubase 14.0.10 Pro on Windows 11 PC.
What kind of graphic card do you use, please?
It’s a NIVIDIA Quadro P400 with 3 monitors. It never had a problem like this before with the same setup.
Try to restart your computer.
Please try this:
Thank you very much, I will try this.
I think it works. I will have an eye on it.
Thanks again!
Sorry to tell you that the problem is back. I had it two times this morning. Maybe a Cubase Pro 14.0.10 bug?
Does it help if you move the window on the screen? Or if you move the window to other screen? Or if you Quit and Restart Cubase?
I will test it.
When I quit Cubase and restart, everything is fine again. Moving the window to another screen doesn’t help. If the mix console is it, closing and opening it again helps. When the issue occurs, the machine doesn’t freeze music still plays. Never had such a strange problem.
Hi Billbanjo,
Can you confirm the problem is in 13 and 14 versions and not in 12 version?
Cubase 14.0.10 here. Cubase 12 and 13 not tested.
Obviously no problem in Cubase 13.0.51, so it might be a Cubase Pro 14.0.10 issue?
Are you running any screen capture, or remote desktop software? FancyZones in PowerToys can cause issues too.
Have you tried a full reinstall of Cubase?
I think I found a solution:
It’s a headphone plugin in the control room monitor insert: Sienna free that might have caused the issue.
I deleted this plugin and had no issue since. I will keep on watching.
Thank you all for your advice.