I just finished mixing a song for a client, and it went very well. Zero crashes, zero issues at all. Wonderful. The client is very happy with the results!
My only comment is that, and I did look at the manual, is this:
When I grab automation data with my cursor, and am going to change it all up or down, I do not get ANY numerical readout anywhere when I click to grab several or even only one automation node point, so I can know precisely by how much I am turning things up / down. This is after automation passes have been done, so I am only needing to nudge by 1-2 dB at most. Without a numerical reading, I feel in the dark, and it feels uncomfortable.
Is there any way to see this change as a numerical data anywhere? Thanks.
You can see the value of the very 1st node in the Info Line. The value is display in orange, which means, multiple objects are selected. All the other values change relativelly.
Of course, you can also change the value in the Info Line by clickin and moving mouse up/down or via scroll-wheel, which is even better for the tiny changes.
In pre-13 versions of Nuendo there also was the indispensable Project Browser which displayed pretty anything within a session as lists with exact position, numerical values and so on. Steinberg decided to drop this important, tried-and-tested feature with v 13. … for several seasoned users this is reason enough to stick with v12.
You could up-vote the request to bring the feature back here:
Unfortunately (for us) it wasn’t a feature at all but was rather an internal debugging tool that users unofficially started to incorporate into their workflow.
Steinberg removed it because it was apparently a problem to maintain (and it wasn’t a proper function of Nuendo) but I really wish they would, at the very least, introduce a list editor for automation in the future. It seems such an obvious thing to have around.
It works only when selecting the automation points with the select tool. When selecting with the range tool, this data is not shown. Selecting with the select tool can be hard if the lowest and/or the highest automation value is written, it’s hard to select those without selecting events on tracks over or under the automation lane.
I have great faith in SB, but this would be utterly fantastic, to have automation data appear in the Inspector, in the same way as for Tempo nodes (notwithstanding bezier curves in the tempo track) but are those “Sub-tracks”, or automation “lanes” able to have data presented in that way, as if they were tracks in their own right?
It’s a development and programming question, that I am hopeful will be answered at some stage because it’s just another feature that would make Cubase/Nuendo even more fantastic and would likely relegate the need for a dedicated browser interface.
The two selection tools should not be confused here.
The interval selection tool (2) does not allow modification or numerical height information in the info bar, where only the width of the selection and the tracks affected is given. Furthermore, if manipulated, there is no indication of the data being modified, and the selection handles themselves, although very useful, add automation points at both ends.
On the other hand, the main selection tool (1) acts differently when a selection is made. It shows the height of the point or of the first point (in the case of multiple selection) and allows modification directly from the toolbar. And the modification acts on the selected point(s) themselves, without adding any new points.
That’s correct. But since version 13 you can make the Range Selection and then switch back to the Object Selection. Then you will see all the data and values.