Is it possible to activate some gridlines to accurately read the data?
A possibility to scale the x- and y-axes would be useful, also.
For horizontal, no grid, but the frequency at the mouse cursor is tracked in the status bar.
For the vertical grid:
Right click in the time ruler.
Ok, but I meant this:
I did not realize in the 1st place that you were using the Supervision plugin. Consider using the WaveLab built-in spectrogram(s).
Ok, I need this spectrogram, because it show the actual spectrum of the clip after using plugins.
If it is not possible, ok… but (a tiny bit) sad.
How about reading the manual?
You are talking about a plugin, that is included in Wavelab, but not Wavelab as the software itself.
Year right, a plugin, that is included in a professional tool. What do you want to tell me?
Just imagine, that I indeed believe, that in a professional tool, gridlines are not that kind of rocket science, don’t ya?
Oh, btw, why am I using Wavelab? Simply because the VST-interface in Spectral Layers is for my usecases practically unusable, because of the stutter-step like delay.
Talking “professional”…
(Wavelab and Spectral Layers are great programs, no questions about that. But they lack some fine details for practical purpose, imho. The gridlines in this plugin is such a tiny detail. Actually, I am a huge fan of such fine details.)
I do need gridlines here in the standard spectrogram view. And also a “normal” representation of the numbers: 10, 100, 200, 300, 1000 etc.
This is just crab, sorry to say this!
Not 615,867,1167 or whatever…
This is definetely NOT “professional”
I would expect gridlines in a normal way, honestly. That’s not rocket-science.
I agree, this would be a welcome addition.
BTW, I guess you know you can represent the spectrogram in color, unlike what is displayed in your picture.
Moreover, I recall that vertical grid lines are possible.
For the frequencies, look at the info in the status bar:
Thx a lot.
Have a great day.