Groove Agent SE5 Minor Bug - Tags Hiding Under Right Edge of Load Panel

In Cubase Pro 13, in Groove Agent SE5, in the Load Panel, in all 3 of these tabs: Instruments, Styles, and MIDI, if the dialog is not wide enough, the Configure Attributes Menus settings gear, and some Attributes Menus are hidden underneath the right edge of the dialog - i.e. they are not wrapping. If you drag the dialog edge right to make it wider, it will be obvious.

Also, below them, the Category tags are wrapping, but if you get too many of them, they disappear down below the Results area (right below it), and there is no scroll bar to bring them into view.

Sorry for putting 2 bugs here, but they are right together, and the solution should be similar to code for both.

It’s not a major problem, once you know what it’s doing, but I think you will want to fix this.

Windows 10
Cubase Pro 13.0.41 Build 256 (x64) - Built on June 5, 2024
Groove Agent [64bit] (Mar 19 2024 D S)
Thank you .