Grosse Pause indicator

is there a way to indicate a GP on all parts, other than going to each one and entering it manually

I’m afraid not (yet), but I agree it would be a welcome addition

Enter it using System Text, Shift-Alt-X. You may need to do some manual repositioning in the parts to get it properly centered, though.


Usually I take a fermata which I don’t intend to use (like one of the special Henze ones) and in Edit Music Symbols I change it to the G.P. text. This places it as a global staff object like a fermata, and not only at system object positions (which some may prefer — if one wants that I think System Text is your way to go.)


That is positively brilliant and perfect!!. Thanks!

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Because as of this writing, there doesn’t yet appear to be a native General Pause notation solution, I followed up on your suggestion and repurposed the long Henze fermata as a G.P. Then I created a simple script that:

            * Inserts a G.P. (created on the Long Henze fermata) 
            * Suppresses playback
            * Positions the G.P. a little bit above the staves
            * Returns to Write Mode 
            * Closes the property window 

So that someone, if interested, can reproduce exactly what I did, first, here is what my repurposed long Henze fermata looks like:

Next, here is the text for the .lua script that suppresses playback and positions the G.P. the way I like it. Just copy this, paste it into a plain text editor and save as [whatever_name_you_like].lua The script seems to work very well, but if someone can improve its reliability or speed, please post an update.

local app=DoApp.DoApp()
app:doCommand([[UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kEventMuted&Value=string: “kAlways”]])
app:doCommand([[UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kPauseDX&Value=string: “0”]])
app:doCommand([[UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kPauseDY&Value=string: “0”]])
app:doCommand([[UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kPauseDX&Value=string: “0”]])
app:doCommand([[UI.InvokePropertyChangeValue?Type=kPauseDY&Value=string: “3/5”]])

For Dan Kreider’s unfortunately short-lived scorico site I provided this solution:

notenlektorat@scorico - General Pause (226.6 KB)

It has a slightly different approach (with a custom line), and also comes with a helpful ready-to use script for quick application.