group track send and printing???

I have two midi tracks directed to a group track via their outs. I can get sound and db level out of the group tracks, all is working well at this point The issue is when I try and send and print the group track to another 3rd audio track.

In the mixer group track when I click on routing> out, I don’t see the 3rd track as an option. I’ve created a bus 1 in/out and selected that for the group out and in the 3rd audio track, the 3rd track out is stereo out. When I play the tracks I don’t see db levels move on the 3rd track, but I do see them move on the other tracks. How can I get audio to that 3rd track? Something is wrong with my routing to the third track maybe? Also how to I print the audio from the group track to that third track?

Hi and welcome,

Do you mean Instrument tracks? You cannot route MIDI track to a Group Channel.

I can get sound and db level out of the group tracks, all is working well at this point The issue is when I try and send and print the group track to another 3rd audio track.

Do you mean re-record to other track? Do you own Cubase Pro? This feature is Cubase Pro only. Wouldn’t be better to Export the Group Channel and import it back to the project?

The routing is the other way around.

  • Add an Audio Track.
  • Make sure the Group Channel is not routed to the same output, as the Audio Track. (Set the Group Channel’s output to Not Connected, for example).
  • Set the Group Channel as an input of the Audio Track.
  • Record.
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