Guitar capo woes

First post here.

I’m writing in Bb, and would like only the guitar to show key of G’ chords names for my guitarist. I right clicked on my player in Setup, chose ‘Edit Strings and Tuning’ in the menu, clicked ‘Capo’, and chose ‘Fret 3’ for a full Capo.

My problem is that my chords changed to ‘Abb’ (that is A double flat) rather than ‘G’. How can I have it show the ‘enharmonic’ spelling to show ‘G’ chord names for my guitarist?

Thanks y’all!

I think when you change the transposition that you have a choice between say G# and Ab? Or am I wrong?

I don’t know. Here’s what I see if I choose “Edit Strings & Tuning” in Setup; Player.

Per your suggestion, I just tried setting D#3 or up 3 half-steps. Still got it calling it ‘Abb’.

Instead of sounds as D#, try Eb?

just tried Eb - no effect on the chord names.

Chord symbols don’t use the transposition from the Edit Strings and Tuning dialog - they use the transposition defined for the Player here:

Still getting A double flat after selecting +3 half steps.

Have you tried Eb4?

I just did, by deleting ‘D#’ and typing ‘Eb’. No change :frowning:

Can you attach a project?

The Other Woman.dorico (2.5 MB)

I can’t reproduce this issue.

When I right-click on the Electric Guitar Player > Chord Symbols > Capo Chord Symbol Definition > change to Eb4, it appears like this:

Updated file is attached, if that helps:
The Other Woman.dorico (2.5 MB)

oof. Ok, thanks. I’ll try again. Running on an M2 MacBook Pro, Ventura 13.6

It worked! All I did differently this time was delete the ‘4’ in ‘D#4’ as well -before I had left the ‘4’ and just replaced the ‘D#’. Weird.

thank you! this place is great

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If you use the little paddle arrows, you don’t have to type anything. Typing it in always runs the risk of an invalid input – which in Dorico’s UI style is ignored rather than reported.