Attached is a screen shot of my original Finale document. Having trouble figuring out how to pull this off in Dorico. I can’t assign more than one hairpin to the whole note. I need both in the same measure, which would be no problem if I had two half notes, but the whole note seems to make this trickier.
Any help much appreciated.
Shift-D < mf >mp works for me
If you want more control over where things get placed, you can enter them in Note Input mode.
- With the caret at the start of the bar, type Shift+D and then < Enter. You won’t see anything yet.
- Press the space bar to advance the caret by the currently selected duration; the hairpin will extend as you do so.
- When you get to where you want the mf, type Shift+D and then mf> Enter.
- Press the space bar to advance the caret and extend the hairpin.
Now you can copy the hairpins and mf and paste them into other staves, or select them and Alt/Opt+click them into other staves.
Or, select first all the semibreves, then Shift+D : < mf >, as @Janus wrote?
As I said, the point of my (longer) suggested approach is to have more control over how long the hairpins are and where the mf falls. I think with the quicker approach you’re stuck with where Dorico positions them.
Indeed. But we can apply your method in order to draw the first hairpin by selecting all the semi-breves, no? Further, we can adjust it and so and so for…
I don’t know; I’m not a Dorico expert.
Thank all who responded so much. These suggestions combined to achieve the desired effect. Easy Peasy. You folks are terrific.
Learning new stuff every hour. I was not aware you could even use Popovers when in Note Input mode. Good to know.