Half Pressure Violin Notation

Hi all,

I want to write a left hand half pressure for the viola. Since I’m still having rhythms, I don’t want to go with the diamond shape half-filled noteheads, as it’s difficult to say, whether this is a half note or a quarter note.

So I’d preferably to do it with a circle below it like this:

I can add the half-harmonic symbol in the panel on the right, however, it puts it on top of every note. Can’t I just make one symbol on the bottom and create a line, to show that it continues to use half harmonics?

Is there any way how I can accomplish this? Do you have any other suggestions to get it done?

Thanks in advance!

You can create two playing techniques and group them. Flip them with f and change the line style in Engrave mode. Also possible to create a dashed line with a start and end cap with the music glyph you want.
