I caught a strange problem, perhaps a wrong click some where.
When I open Halion 3 SE, the area below “All Instrument Sets” is empty. However, the presets in the lower window are listed and useable.
The table header is colored “orange”, as if there is a filter active. Pressing the button “Reset filters”, which is just left of “All Instrument Sets” does affect the lower window. You see it being re-sorted.
INteresting is, that the button “Reset Filters” for the lower window does do the same thing.
Here are two screen shots with “As Is” and “Should Be”.
I had same issue but was not running Cubase as an administrator. All I had to do is to open HAlion Sonic SE as standalone and click on the icon “Rescan Disk”. I didn’t try it before when Halion Sonis SE loaded from cubase so I don’t know if that could have worked too, but that is how I did, and it solved the issue!