Halion 4 and Complete Uninstall (Mac OS 10.7.3)

What is the process for a complete uninstall of Halion 4 on a Mac (OS X 10.7.3). Just dragging the Halion application to the trash is not enough as I want to do a new install (not an upgraded installation) of this product.


What is your reason for wanting to do this? Are you having some sort of problem?
My experience has been if you have no problem, then the uninstall/reinstall will probably be ok.

But if you’re having a issue, uninstalling won’t be much help. In my case, the support team proved to be very helpful.

HD/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/HALion 4

HD/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content/HALion/VST Sound (Be careful, as HALion Sonic and HALion Sonic SE files are in here as well. Not sure but FCP_SMT_103,104,105_HAL might be H4 only)

HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Steinberg/HALion 4.vst3



User/Library/Preferences/HALion 4

User/Library/Preferences/HALion 4 Standalone

User/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content/HALion/VST Sound (Be careful, as HALion Sonic and HALion Sonic SE files are in here as well. Not sure but FCP_SMT_103,104,105_HAL might be H4 only)

Somebody please correct anything I might have missed.

Thanks for the info - I do have a support call set up for this week for them to take a look at the system.

Good deal!

H4 has been running like a champ since the support team helped me out.