HALion 4 Out17 ~ Out32 NG

HALion 4.5.2 Cubase 6.5.4 Mac OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x

I could output Master(Out1)~ Out16 of HALion 4 on Cubase,But Out17 ~ Out32 can not be output.
I do not heal discard the initialization file Cubase 6, of HALion 4.
I do not heal if I reinstall the Cubase 6, HALion 4.
I need help.

For the same problem …

There was even a normal Mac and abnormal Mac in same OS .
I was healed by re-installing the NG Mac OS .
Why not !?
I do not know the cause of the OS.

I reinstalled the OS for the problem of HALion 4 . Tear…(T.T)
Please tell causes. In order to prevent recurrence.m(_ _)m