I can confirm that some links broke during a website reorganization this year. Also from within instruments. Quite embarrassing tbh, but there are things we maybe, could focus more (cough… installers, download assistant…cough) and things we are very good at (Synths, yay!). Apologies for the inconvenience.
Regarding the blocklisting.
Tried it on my mac with Cubase 14.0.10 and HALion 6.4.40 on macOS 14.7.
Scan worked great and HALion 6 is available and usable
Is HALion 6 showing up in your plugin manager?
What happens if you re-scan all plug-ins?
I see that You have HALion 7 installed in parallel. Do you have a license or did you just install the Demo?
The reason I am asking:
HALion 7 replaces HALion 6 in place. In other words, projects using H6 will run H7, once it is installed. We take great caution to make sure everything sounds exactly the same.
This is also true for 3rd party hosts, as both plug-ins have the same ID.
So if you have a HALion 7 license, just remove the old HALion 6 plugin, you do not need it.
If you installed HALion 7 only for the demo, go to your downloads, open the Halion_7.1.20_Installer_mac.dmg image and run the uninstaller.
Then reinstall HALion 6 and make sure the license on the old USB stick is active. You can also check if the standalone version is starting properly.
That is good to know. This means that the HALion 6 plug-in is available and working. Only Cubase is convinced otherwise.
Let’s try to convince Cubase then
Please close Cubase and delete the following files (carefully, we do not want to destroy any of your other preferences).
“~/Library/Preferences/Cubase 14/Cubase Pro VST3 Cache/vst3blacklist.xml”
“~/Library/Preferences/Cubase 14/Cubase Pro VST3 Cache/vst3plugins.xml”
Unfortunately I am out of ideas from here. Someone would need to do a remote session on your computer, or get further info otherwise. Please file a ticket with your local Steinberg support site. Be patient, they have a lot do work on usually. Point the colleagues to this conversation, so that they know what happened so far. They might redo some of the steps, just to be sure. Hope you get it sorted.