Thanks for the info.
I purchased Absolute 5 in the past. On the 1st picture you can see it.
But in my products section (2nd picutre) it tell I have Absolute 6, am not sure if that got automatically updated to 6 when i upgraded to Cubase 12.
If you click on the “Absolute 6” expand arrow in the Steinberg Activation Manager, which products do you see included?
I have the suspicion that even though you have Absolute 5, some of the included instruments could have been updated to the new licensing scheme, without the dongle I mean. So, that’s why you see an Absolute 6 entry at all. But Halion 7 is included in Absolute 6. So, you would have to update from Absolute 5 to Absolute 6 if you wanted HALion7 (the full version) to show up.
I don’t have an ‘expand arrow’ in the Activation manager. For me, it just shows that Absolute 6 is activated with an option to deactivate it.
For tmat: I think that if you didn’t pay to get the Absolute 6 update, you probably don’t have it.
From your pictures, it looks like they might have switched all Absolute users to the new licensing without making an announcement.
If that isn’t the case, you probably should contact Steinberg to get it straightened out.
Thanks all for the valuable feedback and insight.
I never knew about grace period updates available in Steinberg, but based on your comments, I looked for it on the website and I see Steinberg gave me grace period upgrade to Absolute 6 and Cubase 13 pro.