Halion 7 amount of presets changes


I am learning Halion 7 and Absolute 6, in general. I am browsing through some factory presets, but there are a few things that are confusing to me.

I noticed that the amount of presets of some instrument is different, depending on how you browse the presets. Why is that?

Also, what is the difference between the “Mediabay” window on the right side of Halion and the window that opens when you click here?

And what are the pros and cons of both?

I hope someone can explain, what’s going on.

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Hi @Aleque ,
good observation.

HALion Media Bay has a filter enabled. By default, it will only show “full” presets, but NOT layers. The Cubase media bay shows presets AND Layers.
You should get about the same result if you set the HALion Media Bay to “Show All”.

For context: A preset can contain multiple layers and their key assignment as well as mixer configuration. That’s why we present presets by default. Layers might sound thin if untreated or on their own. They are meant as building blocks.

Let me know if this clears things up.

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I just accidentally found an answer to my own question. The smaller MediaBay window is called “Program Selector” (I think it was called “Programs” in the previous version of Cubase, but I am not sure).

I’m wondering if it’s possible to assign a hotkey to open up this “Program Selector” when a VST is open, without manually clicking on the preset every time. I can’t find anything in “Key Commands” window when searching for “program”.


Thanks for your reply and sorry it took a while before my own reply. “Layers”? - haven’t heard of that one before now. It makes sense.

So, I understand that there are 2 types of presets - regular and layered? And I’m guessing that layered presets are more common in acoustic, symphonic orchestra type of VSTs like Iconica Sketch?

I don’t understand this. Do you mind elaborating this further?

I looked and looked and couldn’t find the “Show all” option that you mentioned.

Also, in regard to the difference between the amount of presets, other than what we’ve talked about (layers, etc.), I found the culprit. Why are there two “Init” presets in the Program Selector window and only one in Halion’s MediaBay? I happens with other libraries too inside of Halion. Sometimes there is 1 “Init” preset in the Program Selector and none in Halion’s MediaBay.

It’s not a big deal, but I’m still wondering what could cause this and if it could be fixed.

Switch here:

Difference between Layer, Program (multiple layers), and Multi (Multiple Programs) is explained in the link below.

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There is none.

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Thanks for explaining.

I hope that hotkey will be added some time in the future. Could be a great combination to open a VST instrument and then the Program Selector, using hotkeys. Maybe even combining those two hotkeys together to one hotkey, although this could be done in Autohotkey, manually.