Halion 7 assigning effects etc to macro pads

Hi all. Anyone here use Halion 7? I’ve created my own samples and mapped them accordingly. I’ve tried googling alll over the shop but no video or tutorial seems to cover adding effects like reverb eq adsr etc to the each of the eight macro controls along the bottom. It would be most useful to know how. Thanks in advance.
Kind regards Ken

The “eight macro controls” are “Quick Controls”. I am not anywhere near a pro level user of Halion but from my limited search I could not find any way to do what you’re asking. If you search “Quick Controls” maybe you’ll get more answers.

Hi Easto and many thanks for taking the time. Yes I’ll try the route you suggested. There’s absolutely nothing anywhere about configuring those eight buttons. Down to trial and error. Thanks for trying.

The Halion 7 manual is here:

Search for “Quick Controls” in the manual which will show 6-7 sections regarding the use of these controls. At a quick glance the sections don’t appear to be light reading :slight_smile:


LoL thanks Paul. That’s what I was afraid of. I just have to try mastering it as I’ve created so many sampled sounds. My head isn’t great on getting my head around technical stuff to start with. :pray:t2: