I want to control the LFO depth of the pitch all layers with my midi controller’s ModWheel and i cant figure how to. Someone has the answer ? Thanx. All of you, you are amazing people. Wish you bests. :>)))
I found it. Here’s how to do it. Click on the program main layer, in the program tree, go in the ‘‘edit’’ tab, then ‘‘zone’’ tab, then ‘‘pitch section’’, beside ‘‘pitch Mod’’ at the bottom, click on the arrow, click on the ‘’+‘’ buton that appeared, select LFO 1, go to ‘‘modulation matrix’’, in the ‘‘source modifier’’ section select LFO 1 and bellow select ‘‘ModWheel’’, in the ‘‘destination/depth’’ section select ‘‘pitch’’ and add the ammount value you like up or down. All done ! That,s how i made it. Repeat till you integrated it. it takes a bit of time but it is possible. Solutionism ! :>)))