HALION 7 upgrade from HALion Sonic 7.1

I just saw the 50% off sale for the full HALion 7 instrument, I’m a Cubase 13 Pro owner, and have the current (7.1.0) version of HALion Sonic. It appears that I can get the full version for $49.99 but before I pull the trigger, is this correct for my upgrade level? Thanks so much, Happy July, and Happy 4th of July to my fellow :us: music makers!

You should match the exact name of the product license you own to the update you’re considering.

If you have the included Halion Sonic I don’t see that on the buy page.


Do you mean " HALion Sonic 7 Collection"? It is not Full version HALion 7, but only HALion Sonic 7 with sound content included(maybe 35G content). I think you cannot build HALion instruments (which the full version HALion 7 do ).

I am confused by there is no price shown for “Update from HALion Sonic 7 to HALion Sonic 7 Collection”, but only “Update from HALion Sonic 3 to HALion Sonic 7 Collection”. The price are same?

There is no upgrade path from Halion Sonic 7. If you want the Halion Sonic Collection or the full Halion 7 you need to buy the full version outright. Halion Sonic 3 was a different product and the equivalent of the current Halion Sonic 7 Collection. The entire lot was renamed when 7 came out so its a bit confusing, but basically Halion Sonic 7 is by itself, there is no upgrade available from it.

Just like Groove Agent SE, there is NO upgrade path to the full version from the ‘freebies’ included with Cubase…

EDIT - While I was replying to this, someone in the Cubase forum just explained this exact thing to another user: Halion 7/Extreme 13 PRO - #5 by Martin90