Hi, I’m trying to understand how the program/preset browser works in Halion Sonic. When using the Mediabay, I can’t seem to find more than 32 programs, most of them pianos. Looks like this:
I 'm thinking the problem could be the filters/tags that are selected below the search field, but I can’t figure out how to get rid of those. Which is making me feel like a fairly large idiot. I mean, it should be possible to browse and select all programs from the mediabay, right? Can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Hi Brian, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, none of those two options fix the issue. In fact, I’m beginning to think it might be some sort of bug rather than any “mishandling” on my part. I just noticed that the only libraries available to me in the Mediabay is the Glockenspiel and the Lofi Piano, but I know that I also have Verve, Colors Free, Novel Piano and of course the basic Halion Sonic library installed (and those are visible in the preset browser at the top of the window). So I’m thinking maybe something when wrong when I installed Glockenspiel and Lofi Piano a few months ago. On that occasion I also upgraded from Artist to Pro, so maybe there was too much going on for the installer to keep track of things.
I will try to see if can reinstall Halion Sonic. If I have to reinstall the entire Cubase program I’ll probably just live with the f’d up Mediabay instead.
Yeah, those installations happened several months ago and the computer has been restarted numerous times since then. Hopefully a partial reinstall will fix it.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. I generally keep my music PC offline and haven’t had it connected to the internet in several months, so it’s possible I’ve missed some updates - and that I simply didn’t get it properly updated when I upgraded to Pro. So hopefully that’s where the problem lies. At least I really don’t see what I might be doing wrong inside Cubase/Halion Sonic …
All right, I can report that updating Cubase and reinstalling HS did the trick. Just in case anyone else runs into the same problem. Also, everybody was probably sitting at home wondering if Morton ever got his mediabay to work again. Well, he did. Thanks.
Yeah I’m quite pleased with HS as well. At the moment I could use some more options when it comes to strings and choirs, so I should probably look into upgrading to Halion at some point. As for the Native Instruments stuff I have only tried their Komplete Start package and I’m not really crazy about the blingy, shifty layout of their player. The sounds are nothing special either, though I’m sure there is some excellent stuff in their paid catalogue.
I upgraded to the full version with Absolute 6 2 weeks after using halion. Not sure if I will ever have a use for Kontakt again. You thing Sonic is a beast. Just wait. Download the 30 day free trial. And it’s 50% till the 11th with absolute. Very rare.