HALion Sonic complaining about trial version when running Dorico trial

Get this error message (didn’t knowingly load Halion just adding players…new user here sorry)

if image didn’t work this is what it said:
“The current preset or project was created with a previous version of HALion Sonic. If you modify the preset using new features of this trail version, a previous version might not be ablr to load it or the preset might sound different”

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Is this because I am using the demo version of Dorico?

Yes, it is. HALion Sonic 7.1 knows when it’s running with a trial license, and shows this message. A bit annoying! It will go away if and when you have a permanent Dorico license. Alternatively, you can get a permanent HALion Sonic license for free here:

Click the red Download Now button about halfway down the page. This will automatically assign a HALion Sonic license to your Steinberg ID account. You don’t need to actually download anything: you already have HALion Sonic and its content installed.

Thanks dspreadbury, that answers my concern

Hi dspredbury - I’m having a similar issue, though I have a Dorico active license, as well as HALion installed. I had a trial before purchasing Dorico this week. That popup occurs even in a new score. Any suggestions?

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Have tried checking the Please don’t tell me again box?

(Welcome to the forum)

It might be that you’re still running with your trial license, @ryanfitzcello (and welcome to the forum, by the way). In Steinberg Activation Manager, make sure that your Dorico Pro trial is deactivated, and that your permanent license is activated.

Thanks! I think that worked. I did not have the manager installed for some reason.

Thanks again for your assistance!

Hi! How do we deactivate the trial version, because I have the same issue?

If you have a permanent Dorico license, run Steinberg Activation Manager, click Deactivate for your trial version, and click Activate for your permanent license.

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Everything is Ok. Thank you @dspreadbury