HALion Sonic doesn't load any sounds from the playback template

Hi all,

I didn’t get any sound from dorico so I went through some of the forums here and this is what I tried so far: I made sure that I have the ASIO driver set up right, I tried deleting and reinstalling HALion Sonic and the sound content, I tried clearing the audio engine cache and reseting the audio engine data.
Then I figured out that even though in play mode it says HALionSonic in the VST instruments when I click on the ‘e’, HALion sonic doesn’t show any sounds. I was able to manually select sounds and get it to work that way, but when I try to apply the HSSE+HSO (pro) template, or any of the other default templates HALion Sonic doesn’t show any sounds. Is there any way to fix this so I don’t have to pick all the sounds for each instrument manually every time?


Is this an import (XML?). If so, try going to Setup and changing the instrument to what they are supposed to be (even if they appear to be those instruments already). That way Dorico may recognize them while it wouldn’t recognize the imported instruments with the same names.

You could try changing just a few instruments that play at the beginning to see if this helps.

Hi @leap,
as @Derrek suggests, to change the instrument itself click on the three dots and choose Change instrument. So to be sure that the correct instrument definitions are applied.

@Derrek @Christian_R thanks for the quick replies, but unfortunately it’s a general issue that doesn’t just happen when I import stuff. So if I start a new project and pick out any instruments and type in any notes I don’t hear anything while typing them in and I also don’t hear anything when playing back the whole thing unless I go to play, click on ‘e’ to open HALion Sonic and manually select sounds there

Hi @leap, and by the way: welcome to the Forum!,

it would possibly helpful if you go in menu Help and from there choose Create Diagnostics Report and attach the resulting zip. file here, for the Team to have some more informations.

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Chiming in here to welcome you to the forum, @leap, and to amplify what Christian says about submitting a diagnostics report: if you do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach it here, we should be able to figure out what’s wrong pronto.

Hi, @dspreadbury sorry for the late reply, here’s the diagnostics report
Dorico Diagnostics.zip (496.1 KB)

Try following the steps here:

I don’t have Cubase though, so I don’t think conflicting paths can be the reason

Please humour me and follow the steps anyway.


ok that actually fixed it, thanks a lot!