I just reinstalled Halion 4 on a fresh Windows installation in order to learn it more deeply. No Cubase or any other Steinberg products are installed.
I my exploration of the sounds I noticed that I can load all the sounds from:
Halion 4 Factory Content
Halion Sonic Factory Content
Halion Sonic Artist
Halion Sonic Basic
Halion Sonic Hybrid
Halion Sonic Pro
but the sounds from Halion Sonic Trip and Indian Drum Basics refuse to load into a program slot.
Any idea why these presets appear in the Media Bay Instrument Sets drop down menu but are unable to be loaded.
Trip was introduced with Halion Sonic SE 2, which was originally part of Cubase 7.5. HS SE2 is based on the Halion 5 engine, so these presets shouldn’t be present.
“Indian Drum Basics” is included with Dorico 3.5. This will require you to activate a Dorico license on this PC, along with Halion Sonic SE 3 (available for free for everyone, or with your Dorico installer). It’s also compatible with Halion 6 and the full version of Halion Sonic 3.
Thanks Romantique for the reply,
I gave wrong information. I just realized that I had installed Dorico 3.5 (with the license). I assume that is why Trip and Indian Drum Basics appear in the Media Bay Instrument Sets drop down menu? But if they are installed, why is it I can’t get them to load? Any idea?