HAlion Sonic SE3 missing

after installing Cubase 13 Halion Sonic SE3 is not installed. There is no Halion Sonic SE3 available in the download manager. Should I install from the seperate installation available elsewhere on the Steinberg website, i.e. using the seperate installer without the download manager? Or should I install “Halion Sonic 3” from the download manager, is this the same thing? Totally confused

Indeed, because HS SE3 has been replaced with HS7. So, it’s the latter that you’ll have to download and install.

Normally, both share more or less the same content, which means that the HS SE3 content already installed should be recognized by HS7.

maybe ‘normally’…but it doesn’t appear(my older hs3 content) in HS7 and i can’t figure out how to use it in cubase pro 13…it was there in cubase version 12…

yes , rani solo, when you upgrade a steinberg product its like downgrading…spend more money and get less…

thanx for the reply!