HALion Standalone Question


When I installed Cubase 9.5 It came with a copy of HALion SE which is great, but did not include the standalone version.

I see where one can download HALion SE that contains the standalone for free from Steinberg. There’s a big notice that it CONTAINS NO CONTENT.

Being new here, I’m not exactly sure what that means. The copy that came with Cubase 9.5 had plenty of instruments with it, many of which I can use.

My question is - if I download and install the version from Steinberg that contains the standalone will it replace the one that came with Cubase 9.5 and will I lose those instruments?

All info appreciated.

The Steinberg installers are pretty intelligent and they check what versions you’re using etc and let you know if they’re upgrading or leaving things as they are, so you can’t really mess things up. I also believe the library itself is handled separately, so you won’t lose it.

My question is - if I download and install the version from Steinberg that contains the standalone will it replace the one that came with Cubase 9.5 and will I lose those instruments?

It may replace the plugin itself if what you install is a newer version but it leaves the content alone.
So you don’t lose any of the instruments you already have.

Thanks, everybody!