I’m setting up my recording rig on a new PC. I’m running Cubase 10.5. Installation has gone smooth enough, but I’ve come across a hiccup. I own Helion Symphonic Orchestra, but I don’t know how to install it.
I used Steinburg Download Assistant and it downloaded a folder called HALion Symphonic Orchestra that contained 27 .vstsound files. No installer to be Found. What do I do with these files in order to get HSO to appear in HALion Sonic SE 3?
HSO does not appear in my instrument sets. It is also not listed in my Steinburg Library Manager?
If the vstsound files for the library are already somewhere on your system, simply double click one of them and register with the Stienberg Library Manager. Possibly de-register and re-register.
If they’re not somewhere on the system, then download it again with Steinberg downloader.
You don’t really need the old single instance HSO plugin anymore. HSO work through the latest versions of Sonic SE, Sonic, or full HALion, and now all of those plugins can run in any host you like that’s 64bit and supports VST2, VST3, AU, or ATX.
Tried that. Doesn’t work. I have all the vstsound files, migrated from the old computer and hard drive to the new ssd. Everything else showed up like it should.
It’s an aging sample set, but some patches sound very good thanks to hermode tuning, especially brass ones like French horns. I want it back…
For some weird reason, the HSO patches load in HALion One (bundled with Cubase 11, don’t know if that was possible all along, as I never use HALion One).
Hello to all those who have problems to find HSO. I just solve mine by opening Halion Sonic 7 and I discover that when you click on “all”, then HSO appears in the Programs window, and by clicking on it you have the app and all sounds… Hope it helps.
Glad you got this worked out! I was about to chime in. There are some issues with the Media Bay. None of my presets appear there. I have to do some weird work arounds to pull it off.
For anyone else experiencing Media Bay Problems, remember to delete your library and reinstall it. You also need to delete the Media Bay and reinstall it also. I posted more steps earlier so check that out!
Listening right now to the Fool’s overture of Supertramp, I miss the time music was an aiffair inbetween, heart, fingers and body of any instrument… but what a joy when one issue is solved in this new digital universe:)))