Hi, I need to know how I can produce the notation that is shown in the picture in Dorico. I can stack three notes on top of each other, all right, but I tried for too long to change the note heads in the desired way without succeeding. Hence the question if anybody has an idea how to make it look like in the picture?
 note, which generally required either (1) a vast number of leger lines, (2) an 8va which had to be clarified as not applying to the lower notes, or (3) an absurd and ungrammatical separate clef that applied only to the top note. All three were tried at various times, unwieldy though they were.
A better option, if one wanted to include the sounding pitch (for pedagogical or illustrative purposes, or perhaps in a long passage of nothing but harmonics) might have been to frankly use a second smaller ossia staff, on which the desired sounds could be intelligibly shown.