Harp gliss. with noteheads

Hi folks, would someone be able to explain how to achieve the following notation in Dorico 5?


I’ve tried using a separate voice on the bottom staff to create grace notes, but then I can’t remove one of the rests.


Many people enter the small notes as a tuplet. Then, you can change the size and remove the tuplet number and bracket.

I can’t see which rests wouldn’t be removable?

Is this right?

Harp Gliss.dorico (429.4 KB)

If so, didn’t need to use a second voice. I entered those notes as normal 32nd notes, and then in the bottom panel selected the Scale property, and set them to grace, forcing them to appear the same smaller size as grace notes.

Then with the leftover rests I simply selected them, Edit > Remove Rests.


Thanks everyone! I was able to figure it out once I realized I could put the grace notes in the next bar and change the properties to show in the previous bar.


You might want to hide the stem of your hidden note? (I see a stem and a hidden notehead — there’s a property for the stem and when enabled, it totally disappears)

Good point, but I need the harpist to know that the glissando ends on the third 8th note of the second bar.

Ok. There should be a more elegant way to show that. But it’s too late for my brains to find it! :crazy_face::sleeping:
I’d say the rests in the bottom staff should be clear enough :person_shrugging:

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