I have read many other posts by you, and they seem very cogent, but I must say that your reply here is not coherent.
“Looking at your second image I see the 7.1.4 group as an object, and I see you don’t have a source track for it. But it wouldn’t be it’s own source, right?”
The group itself is the source. That is what needs to be routed into the Renderer.
It doesn’t matter what is routed into the group, the group is the “object” to connect.
I have a 7.1.4 group which, as I explained, I selected, then used “Create Object from Selected tracks” under “Functions”.
It (the 7.1.4 group) is not connected as an object here (in the photo); you are confusing the “Name” column with the “Source Track” column. The name is not a connection, it’s just a name, and I can write anything in there.
“Above it the “Bed” is “7.1.2 music bed” and it has a separate source, “Atmos Bed”.”
“7.1.2 music bed” is the just the name for the Atmos Bed group. The name is just a label, not another track, group, bed or object etc.
So, check this next photo and take a look at the “Object ID” column on the right:
There is no connected object for the slot named “7.1.4 Group”. It is an empty slot, and as you can see the “Source Track” dropdown menu does not show an option to connect my group track (named “7.1.4 group”).
So, testing even further I find that none of the following tracks will connect as an “Object”:
7.1.4 group
5.1 group
7.1.4 audio
7.1 audio
5.1 audio
We have to go all the way down to “Stereo” to create an accepted “Object” with a connected “Source Track”:
So this leads me back to my original question about splitting a group to get a proper 7.1.4 input into the renderer.
It looks like it would have to be done by splitting the output (of a 7.1.4 group) into at least three components:
A 7.1 group which feeds into the bottom channels of the 7.1.2 bed and,
Two stereo groups fed as objects and placed in the 3D panner to be the Ltf/Rtf and Ltr/Rtr pairs of the “.4”.