Hear full chord in key editor upon moving a note

Hello everyone,

I’m 99% sure this is one of the many features Steinberg never took into consideration, since musicians usually have a midi keyboard on their desk, but I’m gonna ask anyway.

I switch between regular work setup during home office (mouse and keyboard) and production setup with a midi keyboard next to the mouse / keyboard in the evening (just a hobbyist). However I usually only need my midi controller to quickly develop ideas / melodies.

Later on, once I flesh them out and try to find suitable chords for the melody I just developed, I set the note events on my computer keyboard and move them up / down using the arrow keys until I find some chord that sounds fine in the whole progression.

Would it be possible to hear ALL the notes in the current chord upon moving a single note up or down, rather than just the single note I’m moving?

Afaik you can press Ctrl when clicking on a note with the mouse, but using the mouse for note placement is very annoying / inaccurate… My workflow is much faster using the computer keyboard for post-processing of midi events.

So, do we have any solution (or probably more likely a workaround…) that allows only using the computer keyboard for this?

If anyone is aware of a possibility to do this in Ableton (by coincidence, I know we’re not in the Ableton forums now :wink: ) you can tell me as well, as I’m considering to make the move.



Add the optional feature-request tag to your thread, please.

I did.

We shall not give up the hope for Steinberg listening, I guess :slight_smile: