Help again for the slow :/

When adding notes to a measure on my T-bone3 and T-bone4 staffs (that already have existing notes in them) , It always adds them as a second voice. ???
Is there a way to make sure that a player is always a single voice player? I feel that I must have done something to these 2 staves unknowingly.
Any Ideas??

Thank you all!


Turn on voice colors using the View menu. Likely you have inadvertently mis-managed the existing voices.

If you have some notes that are in the wrong voice, you can select them and re-assign them to Upstem Voice 1.

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Thanks !!! That is probably what happened. Now, I will bite, how do I reassign
them to the correct voice?

Thank again!

Select the errant notes and press V until they are in the correct voice. (If one only has two voices active, that should be easy.)

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It steps though a bunch of different colors not just 2
Everything in the staff is light blue .
when stepping through, I never get the same color offered again.

Be sure you are only pressing V and not

Easier way is to select everything, then press J for the jump bar, then “Change Voice to Upstem Voice 1.” I’ve assigned this to an alias, so all I type is j, u, Enter.

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I am highlighting the measure, stepping through using only the v key.

It steps through all of the colors in the above pic then it starts assigning new colors. I can’t seem to get it back to the first color.

is there a way to force the entire staff to 1 voice? or voice 1?

Thanks Derrek

Thank you, I Tried that the voice stays the same color :confused:

GOT IT WORKING! Had to close out the project and get back in again! The v thing works now! THANK YOU ALL!!!

A quick note for future readers to detail why “turning it off and back on again” works in this case: one of the actions that Dorico performs behind the scenes when closing a project is cleaning up voices (i.e. deleting unused voices, and probably some other related actions as well). So if you’re having a voice assignment problem, closing the project out and opening it again is likely to correct it.


Thank you!