Help with Meterless Music!

Hello all, currently working on pure harmonic content, however, when I try to set up the document to be meterless I end up with this problem.

How can I input my harmonic progressions while being free to input the final barlines when finished?

Iā€™m unsure what the exact problem is that you are trying to solve. Could be more explicit?

How to input whole notes regardless of meter and finish with a final bar line.

Like this?

open.dorico (499.1 KB)

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yes, please enlighten me!

You have the file. Examine it at your leisure.

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Maybe useful to add that you can enter a final barline anywhere (also in the middle of your music) with the Bar[line] popover: Shift-B final Enter.
Shift-B |] Enter also works.
Assuming you want it all in one flow, of course.

If this is intended as a collection of separate ideas, examples or exercises, you may also consider using separate flows instead. This video gives a lot of information how to do that: Musical Flashcards and Worksheets | Discover Dorico

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Also, to get rid of extra rests at the end of your file, in Write mode select Write/Trim Flow (near the bottom of the menu).