Hey Steinberg, here's a thought for product differentiation

Firstly, congrats to the Steinberg team on Cubase Pro 14. Very nice update.

And now to my main topic… I always update to the newest versions of Cubase, partly because I am curious about what the update brings, partly because I want to support Steinberg and recognise that software development is not done for free.

Thing is, I only use Cubase for mixing (including arranging). Furthermore, I only use the audio side of Cubase, never any midi or vstis, loops etc. I mix multichannel audio recordings of mostly rock music. And that is it.

Cubase is perfect for this.

However, this means that I never use - in fact, I never even download and install it - the many many GB of loops, samples and what nots that are included in Pro. I don’t use nor install included apps like the new drum machine, Padshop, Groove Agent and whatever else belongs to the umbrella app of Cubase Pro.

So, here’s my thought: In my case, it would make a lot of sense if the Cubase product series was differentiated in a way that reflected this, i.e., it would be fantastic if Steinberg could offer say an audio only version of Cubase Pro.

I am in no way complaining here, please note this. But it feels to me that Cubase is developing in a direction that deviates strongly from my use of the app. And it seems in some ways strange that so much of the new/er/ish contents is geared towards needs that are so different from mine.

So this is just a suggestion to the great team behind Cubase.

I will remain a loyal and loving Cubasee, this is just my modest proposal.

All the best, and thanks again for a fabulous new version of C Pro


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I totally agree with you on this. However, we must remember Steinberg’s slogan which is ‘Creativity First’. I believe that Cubase in previous versions and its current version has always reflected this slogan.

However, it could be very interesting to have a version of the main product oriented only towards audio recording, mixing and mastering, which could also reduce the cost of the application both in terms of purchase and updates.

However, there is another company and a DAW that could correspond a little more to your needs in the immediate future as far as audio is concerned. It is LUNA (Recording System) from Universal Audio.

Personally, I mainly use Cubase Pro in the current version which suits my needs perfectly. But occasionally, I do not hate using LUNA for mixing only and it is really pleasant to use. For everything related to recording and using VSTi and MIDI, I much prefer Cubase.

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I’m not against this in principle, but I can see in practical terms there would be quite a few complaints.

Lets say SB have an audio-only version. The expectation would be that it would be cheaper than the full version with everything thrown in which is fair enough. I think the problem will be SB deciding which features make the cut for the audio-only version, and which features will cost extra in the full version.

However they cut the feature list, there are going to be a not-insignificant portion of users who find that there are going to be a few features that they use occasionally in the full fat version and are going to upset that now they are going to have to pay extra just to use those one or two features.

Steinberg do already do this in a way with the various editions of Pro, Artist, Elements, AI, LE etc though the focus with that seems to be limiting the ability of features (i.e how many Audio Channels an edition can support etc) rather than looking at “this is for someone who deals exclusively in Audio” or “this is for someone who deals with more electronic music production”.

One approach I suppose would be to make Cubase more modular and offer groups of features bundled in to be unlocked so users can pick and choose what features they want, but again I can see this getting complicated and causing frustration with users expecting certain features to be in certain bundles and resenting having to pay for another bundle just for a single feature that they use.

I think in this case it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and having to shell out money for it.

For C14, there is certainly a great focus on more MIDI related features and improvements. I think this is more of a testament to how solid Cubase is on the audio side of things, but I can fully understand your point of that that there is a lot of offer that simply won’t be used by yourself.

As I said, I do like the idea, but perhaps I’m a bit too cynical with the practicalities of it.


This was tried before with Nuendo and the infamous NEK addition which was, if I recall, just the MIDI components of the product. The NEK extension was an additional charge if you wanted it.
I don’t think it went very well, and after a couple of releases it was dropped.

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One approach I suppose would be to make Cubase more modular and offer groups of features bundled in to be unlocked so users can pick and choose what features they want,

Yeah it’s possible - potentially difficult to debug and keep everything in order. But I think it would be difficult and cause a lot of frustration and annoyance at what’s bundled with what, and having to buy every little feature you need.

I point to IK Multimedia Amplitube which is annoying in all the “gear” purchase icons and limitations.

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We regularly see this now on the forum for Elements/Artist/Pro.

Also, while there may be a significant number of folks who mostly use Cubase only for Audio, I’d suspect that number shrinks a bunch for exclusively Audio.


I don’t think so, I think you seem quite realistic about it. And I agree.

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If you really are “audio only” you should give Harrison MixBus a spin. I got my copy in a sale for $30.


A huge thank you for everyone who is contributing to this topic. I agree that my suggestion may be difficult for SB to implement.

Also, I am not in the least contemplating switching to to other DAWs. I know my way around Cubase, have used it for many years, and see no reason for deserting it.

Perhaps my use case (audio only) is unusual. I know that Cubase is very strong on the midi side, perhaps even could be said to come from that direction. Still, I feel that Cubase has developed into a very loop- and sample-centric package, and perhaps the various levels (Pro, Artist, Elements, AI) could be segmented in a more meaningful way. As it is, what is on offer seems to be more, or less, of the same. The various versions do not cater so much for different needs and usage scenarios.

I would be very interested to hear Steinberg’s thoughts on this.



Wound Nuendo Live be close to what you need?

I don’t know anything about it really, other than that I think it has less functionality.

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Actually probably not “Live”.

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