Firstly, congrats to the Steinberg team on Cubase Pro 14. Very nice update.
And now to my main topic… I always update to the newest versions of Cubase, partly because I am curious about what the update brings, partly because I want to support Steinberg and recognise that software development is not done for free.
Thing is, I only use Cubase for mixing (including arranging). Furthermore, I only use the audio side of Cubase, never any midi or vstis, loops etc. I mix multichannel audio recordings of mostly rock music. And that is it.
Cubase is perfect for this.
However, this means that I never use - in fact, I never even download and install it - the many many GB of loops, samples and what nots that are included in Pro. I don’t use nor install included apps like the new drum machine, Padshop, Groove Agent and whatever else belongs to the umbrella app of Cubase Pro.
So, here’s my thought: In my case, it would make a lot of sense if the Cubase product series was differentiated in a way that reflected this, i.e., it would be fantastic if Steinberg could offer say an audio only version of Cubase Pro.
I am in no way complaining here, please note this. But it feels to me that Cubase is developing in a direction that deviates strongly from my use of the app. And it seems in some ways strange that so much of the new/er/ish contents is geared towards needs that are so different from mine.
So this is just a suggestion to the great team behind Cubase.
I will remain a loyal and loving Cubasee, this is just my modest proposal.
All the best, and thanks again for a fabulous new version of C Pro